Women's Secure Care Pathway Transformation Programme roadshow provides further opportunities for collaboration

As part of a three-year programme of transformation with women's secure care units, the IMPACT Commissioning Hub ran a co-production roadshow event late last year. The aim of the roadshow was to raise awareness of the programme with both service users and staff on the wards and to establish ongoing coproduction opportunities for individuals and groups to participate in different ways, for example by producing art, writing messages, engaging in video calls, face to face interviews and focus groups.
The IMPACT Women's Secure Care Transformation Programme launched to support women at risk of requiring secure care in the East Midlands to access better care, experience, and outcomes.
Roadshow meetings were held with visits to five units (12 wards) across the region. More than 50 service users interacted with the sessions, providing tours of the wards, talking through what life is like to be on the wards, and discussing areas of good practice and areas for improvement.
Areas of excellent practice in terms of engagement, empowerment and innovation were gathered by theme. An online event provided helpful feedback to service users and staff, and identified opportunities for learning, sharing and collaboration between different units, recognising their strengths and achievements. A new process of patient-led ward environmental checks was also completed and ward level quality improvement plans are being completed for January.
Service users also engaged in a best decorated ward for Christmas competition and there is a huge amount of positivity and engagement with the work programme. Further events are planned and a second roadshow to the IMPACT women's wards will run in the spring.
If you would like any further details about the Women's Secure Care Transformation Programme please contact IMPACT Improvement Manager Sarah Stringer by emailing sarah.stringer@nottshc.nhs.uk .