Bringing secure care closer to home | Latest updates

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Bringing secure care closer to home

Middle aged couple, holding hands and walking through a park

The number of East Midlands people receiving secure care outside their area has been reduced from 14% to less than 6% – improving clinical outcomes, bringing people closer to homes and their families, and minimising their time in hospital.

IMPACT (IMproved Pathways And Community Teams), the provider collaborative responsible for adult secure services (low and medium) across the East Midlands, will on occasion utilise beds in other provider collaborative areas (defined as out of area or outside of our nationally agreed ‘natural clinical flow’).

This practice is only undertaken as a last resort and since IMPACT launched in October 2020, the number of patients placed out of area has reduced significantly. As of March 2024 there were only 20 patients in out-of-area placements, all with plans for repatriation back to an East Midlands bed or discharge to the community within the next two years. There are no patients in a specialist learning disability and autism beds out of area.

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